Mar.09MOU for information and academic cooperation with Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Mar. 12MOU for information and academic cooperation with West Bohemia University, Czech
Mar. 23MOU with ENEC,, UAE
May 07MOU for information and academic cooperation with UJV Rez, a. s., Czech
May 19MOU for information and academic cooperation with George Mason University, USA
Jul .13MOU for information and academic cooperation with University of Warsaw, UW, Poland
Dec. 07MOU for information and academic cooperation with Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, WUST, Poland
Jan. 16Held the sixth KINGS Commencement,2019
Feb. 28Held the KINGS Matriculation 2019
Mar.Established the department of Energy Policy & Engineering
Apr. 29MOU for academic cooperation with Grenoble INP, France
May. 30MOU for academic cooperation Technical University, Czech
Jul. 08MOU for academic cooperation with Ain Shams University, Egypt
Jul. 25MOU for information and academic cooperation with TÜV SÜD, Germany
Dec. 09MOU for information and academic cooperation with Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Dec. 18MOU for information and academic cooperation with AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Jan. 16Held the fifth KINGS Commencement, 2019
Feb. 28Held the KINGS Matriculation 2018
Apr. 30Held the third president’s inauguration
Aug. 8MOU for academic cooperation with Anhalt University, Germany
Nov. 13MOU with Korea Energy Economics Institute (KEEI)
Nov. 29MOU for academic cooperation with Brno University of Technology, Czech
Jan. 18Held the fourth KINGS Commencement, 2018
Jan. 25Selected for a public institution of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
Jan. 20Held the third KINGS Commencement, 2016
Feb. 25Held the 2016 matriculation ceremony
Feb. 29Signed an MOU for cooperation on human resource development in the nuclear sector with Iran. [Bushehr Training Center (BTC), Shahid Beheshti University (SBU), and Sharif University of Technology (SUT)]
Feb. 9Held the second KINGS Commencement, 2015
Sep. 24Celebrated the fourth anniversary of the founding of KINGS
Oct. 27Signed an MOU for cooperation in the field of nuclear manpower training with Alexandria University, Egypt
Jan. 22Held the first KINGS Commencement, 2014
Feb. 28Held the KINGS Matriculation 2014
May. 27Signed an MOU with the Korea Radioactive Waste Agency
Aug. 1Signed an MOU with Pukyong National University
Sep. 19Celebrated the third anniversary of the founding of KINGS
Nov. 14Signed an MOU with Northwestern Polytechnic University (U.S.)
Mar. 4Held the 2013 matriculation ceremony
Mar. 22Signed an MOU with Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control
Apr. 27Published the inaugural issue of a quarterly school newsletter, KINGS LIFE
Jun. 10Signed an MOU for cooperation in the field of HRD with the Ministry of Science and Technology, Vietnam
Sep. 23Celebrated the second anniversary of the founding of KINGS, unveiled the pedestal of a symbolic tower, and held the launching ceremony of the APR 1400 Nuclear Power Analyzer
Nov. 13Signed an MOU with Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety
Nov. 18Signed an MOU with Seoul National University College of Engineering
Dec. 4Signed an LOI for scholarly cooperation with San José State University (U.S.A.)
Mar. 2Held the first president’s inauguration and the 2012 matriculation ceremony
Mar. 15Signed an MOU with Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Jul. 20Signed Practical Arrangements with the International Atomic Energy Agency
Aug. 24Signed an MOU with Korea Nuclear Association for International Cooperation
Sep. 25Celebrated the first anniversary of the founding of KINGS
Nov. 27Signed an MOU with Pusan National University
Jul. 18Signed an MOU concerning the establishment of academic cooperation with George Mason University (U.S.)
Sep. 19Received accreditation from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (Currently reorganized as the Ministry of Education), Korea
Sep. 30Completed campus construction
Jul. 22Held the ground breaking ceremony
Dec. 28Signed an MOU with Daelim, Daewoo, Samsung, Hyundai, and Doosan
Jun.Completed the feasibility study on KINGS establishment
Aug. 24KEPCO, KHNP, KEPCO E&C, KEPCO KPS, and KEPCO NF signed an MOU on the establishment of KINGS
Dec. 24Established the International Advisory Board (IAB)