홈페이지 검색

Small But Strong
Outstanding University


Research Center

Additional research function

― Industry-Academia cooperation R & D business development and trust increase

― Activate short-term non-degree curriculum that reflects the needs of industry (such as casting companies)

― Establishment and operation of attached research institute for energy industry research and technical capacity enhancement

Current Status of Research Institutes

Nuclear D&D and Radwaste Research Center

Head : Professor Kim, C.L.

Purposes of establishment :

  • - Research implementation and human resource training to secure safety in NPP decommissioning and radioactive waste
  • - Specialized research implementation suited to KINGS education

Energy policy and Application of Artificial intelligence Reserch Center

Head : Professor Yun. Y.B

Purposes of establishment :

  • - Analysis of pending issues and policy development in energy-related fields
  • - Periodic monitoring and analysis of domestic and international energy policies
  • - Establishing a model and DB to derive an energy policy based on execution power
  • - Development of AI-related application technologies

New Industry of Energy and Equipment and Materials Research Center

Head : Professor Namgung, I

Purposes of establishment :

  • - Monitoring domestic and foreign metal 3D printing manufacturing technology and reflecting technology standards
  • - Development of 3D reverse design and integrated simple design technology for energy industry components
  • - Development of the Parts Supply System Using Metal 3D Printing, Focusing on Discontinued Products of Nuclear Power Plant
  • - Development of a quality verification system for metal 3D printing manufacturing technology and products
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