Professor’s Profile
Eric Yee
- Major : Earthquake Engineering, Civil Engineering, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence
- Professor Associate Professor
- Office : Room 312, Main Bldg
- Phone : +82-52-712-7321
- Email :
Educational Background
Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles
M.S., Civil Engineering, California State University, Los Angeles
B.A., Applied Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley
Professional Experience
California State University, Los Angeles
California State University, San Luis Obispo
TerraCosta Consulting Group
Alliance Capital Management
Professional Activities
Licensed Professional Engineer, California, USA, #C73938
Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics
Related Publications
1. Kankang, T. and Yee, E. (2018). “Simple empirical attenuation relationship for potential nuclear power plant sites,” Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society, Vol. 34, No. 9, 43-49.
2. Yee, E. (2017). “Use of the t-distribution to construct seismic hazard curves for seismic probabilistic safety assessments,” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol 49, No. 2, 373-379.
3. Isawnto, E.R. and Yee, E. (2016) “Comparison of equivalent linear and non linear methods on ground response analysis: case study at west bangka site,” Jurnal Pengembangan Energi Nuklir, Vol 18, No.1, 23-29.
4. Yee, E., Duku, P.M., and Stewart, J.P. (2014). “Cyclic volumetric strain behavior of sands with fines of low plasticity,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol 140, No. 4, 04013042.
5. Yee, E., Stewart, J.P., and Schoenberg, F.P. (2011). “Characterization and utilization of noisy displacement signals from simple shear device using linear and kernel regression methods,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 25-32.
6. Duku, P.M., Stewart, J.P., Whang, D.H., and Yee, E. (2008). “Volumetric strains of clean sands subject to cyclic loads,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 134, No. 8, pp. 1073-1085.
Civil Infrastructure Engineering and Management
Related Publications
1. Aliperio, G.M. and Yee, E. (2019). “Selection of an appropriate generation iv nuclear reactor development program: a systems engineering approach,” Journal of the Korean Management Engineers Society, Vol. 24, No. 2, 109-132.
2. Davaadorj, I. Yee, E., and Maerani, R. (2019). “A preliminary assessment of the effects of drought on water sustainability indicators for nuclear power generation in mongolia,” Jurnal Teknologi Reaktor Nuklir Tri Dasa Mega, Vol. 21, No. 2, 59-70.
3. Kim, H.J. and Yee, E. (2018). “A study on recalculating nuclear energy generation cost considering several external costs,” Journal of the Korean Society for Power System Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 6, 5-10.
4. Yee, E. (2015). “Substrate modification and magnetic water treatment on the maintenance of tunnel drainage systems part 2: field tests,” Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, Vol 29, No. 3, 04014077.
5. Yee, E., Jang, Y.S., and Chun, B.S. (2015). “Substrate modification and magnetic water treatment on the maintenance of tunnel drainage systems part 1: feasibility and laboratory tests,” Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, Vol 29, No. 3, 04014076.
6. Yee, E., Lee, J.H., Kim, Y.H., Kim, K.M., and Chun, B.S. (2015). “Stabilization mechanism for sands treated with organic acid,” KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, KSCE, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 1001-1008.
Lab Members
Graduate Students
Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management
Introduction To the Courses
- Introduction
This course introduces the role of civil engineering in planning, designing, and operating nuclear power facilities, such as nuclear power stations and nuclear waste repositories. Concepts are diverse but the focus will be on structural engineering as well as geotechnical engineering. Additional topics may be covered if time permits.
- Introduction
This course serves as an overview of structural and geotechnical earthquake engineering topics that are relevant to nuclear power related facilities. Topics include plate tectonics, faults, wave propagation, earthquake strong ground motion characterization, seismic hazard analysis, and if time permits structural dynamics and soil dynamics.
Publications, Projects and Awards
Journal Publications
• Aliperio, G.M. and Yee, E. (2019). “Selection of an appropriate generation iv nuclear reactor development program: a systems engineering approach,” Journal of the Korean Management Engineers Society, Vol. 24, No. 2, 109-132.• Davaadorj, I. Yee, E., and Maerani, R. (2019). “A preliminary assessment of the effects of drought on water sustainability indicators for nuclear power generation in mongolia,” Jurnal Teknologi Reaktor Nuklir Tri Dasa Mega, Vol. 21, No. 2, 59-70.
• Kankang, T. and Yee, E. (2018). “Simple empirical attenuation relationship for potential nuclear power plant sites,” Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society, Vol. 34, No. 9, 43-49.
• Kim, H.J. and Yee, E. (2018). “A study on recalculating nuclear energy generation cost considering several external costs,” Journal of the Korean Society for Power System Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 6, 5-10.
• Yee, E. (2017). “Use of the t-distribution to construct seismic hazard curves for seismic probabilistic safety assessments,” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol. 49, No. 2, 373-379.
• Iswanto, E. R. and Yee, E. (2016). “Comparison of equivalent linear and non linear methods on ground response analysis: case study at west bangka site,” Jurnal Pengembangan Energi Nuklir, Vol. 18. No. 1, 23-29.
• Yee, E. (2015). “Substrate modification and magnetic water treatment on the maintenance of tunnel drainage systems part 2: field tests,” Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, Vol 29, No. 3, 04014077.
• Yee, E., Jang, Y.S., and Chun, B.S. (2015). “Substrate modification and magnetic water treatment on the maintenance of tunnel drainage systems part 1: feasibility and laboratory tests,” Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, Vol 29, No. 3, 04014076.
• Yee, E., Lee, J.H., Kim, Y.H., Kim, K.M., and Chun, B.S. (2015). “Stabilization mechanism for sands treated with organic acid,” KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, KSCE, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 1001-1008.
• Yee, E., Duku, P.M., and Stewart, J.P. (2014). “Cyclic volumetric strain behavior of sands with fines of low plasticity,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol 140, No. 4, 04013042.
• Yee, E., Stewart, J.P., and Tokimatsu, K. (2013). “Elastic and large-strain nonlinear seismic site response from analysis of vertical array recordings,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 139, No. 10, pp. 1789-1801.
• Yee, E., Stewart, J.P., and Schoenberg, F.P. (2011). “Characterization and utilization of noisy displacement signals from simple shear device using linear and kernel regression methods,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 25-32.
• Duku, P.M., Stewart, J.P., Whang, D.H., and Yee, E. (2008). “Volumetric strains of clean sands subject to cyclic loads,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 134, No. 8, pp. 1073-1085.
Conference Papers
•Oh, S.M. and Yee, E. (2019). “Management of the geotechnical section for npp siting requirements,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Goyang, South Korea, October 24-25, 3pp.•Jang, S.C. and Yee, E. (2019). “Management of the meteorology section for technical siting requirements,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Goyang, South Korea, October 24-25, 3pp.
•Lee, S.B., Kim, S.H, Ngumo, J.N., and Yee, E. (2019). “Suggestions for the next public acceptance acitivties in a npp siting plan,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Goyang, South Korea, October 24-25, 3pp.
•Yee, E. (2019). “Influence of overburden on seismic compression,” 7th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, Glasgow, United Kingdom, June 26-28, 4pp.
•Akpoguma, E. and Yee, E. (2018). “The potential of a nuclear power plant in nigeria,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Yeosu, South Korea, October 25-26, 3pp.
•Aliperio, M.G. and Yee, E. (2018). “Selection of appropriate generation iv nuclear reactor development: a systems engineering approach,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Yeosu, South Korea, October 25-26, 3pp.
•Jang, U.H. and Yee, E. (2018). “The modularization using prefabrication at the pedestal columns in apr1400,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Yeosu, South Korea, October 25-26, 4pp.
•Jeong, S.H. and Yee, E. (2018). “Analysis of groundwater level changes at nuclear power plants due to the gyeongju earthquake in South Korea,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Yeosu, South Korea, October 25-26, 2pp.
•Song, B.H. and Yee, E. (2018). “Effects of fall restraint systems at nuclear power plant construction site,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Yeosu, South Korea, October 25-26, 3pp.
•Yee, E. and Maerani, R. (2018). “Applicable standard document references for ageing management issues related to indonesian research reactors,” Symposium of Emerging Nuclear Technology and Engineering Novelty, SENTEN, Palembang, Indonesia, July 4-5, 7pp.
• Yee, E. (2017). “Preliminary seismic fragility curve for a nuclear power station’s turbine building,” Proceedings of Asian Symposium on Risk Assessment and Management, Yokohama , Japan, November 13-15, 5pp.
• Yee, E. (2017). “Preliminary estimation of fragility curves for the apr1400 turbine building under seismic loading,” Transactions of Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Busan, South Korea, August 20-25, 6pp.
• Yee, E. (2017). “Fragility curve for a power plant building through mathematical simulations,” Energy 7, Manchester, United Kingdom, August 13-17, 1pp.
• Yee, E. (2016). “Use of the t-distribution to construct seismic hazard curves for seismic probabilistic safety assessments,” Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety and Assessment and Management (PSAM13), Seoul, South Korea, October 2-7, 8pp.
• Yee, E. and Stewart, J.P. (2016). “Settlement form seismic compression at a vertical array near a nuclear power plant,” Proceedings of Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Congress, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, February 14-17, 1638-1645.
• An, J.H. and Yee, E. (2015). “Development of rainfall-discharge model for future npp candidate site,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, South Korea, October 29-30, 3pp.
• Iswanto, E.R. and Yee, E. (2015). “Site response analysis using deepsoil: case study of Bangka site, indonesia,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, South Korea, October 29-30, 6pp.
• Kim, M.S. and Yee, E. (2015). “A study on the allowable safety factor for cut-slopes for nuclear facilities,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, South Korea, October 29-30, 2pp.
• Kimani, E.N. and Yee, E. (2015). “Kenya’s nuclear power plant site selection and evaluation using the analytical hierarchy process,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, South Korea, October 29-30, 6pp.
• Davaadorj, I. and Yee, E. (2014). “The effect of drought on sustainable energy generation in mongolia,” Proceedings of Jeju Conference on IT and Power Engineering, Jeju-Do, South Korea, August 29-30, 76-79.
• Kankang, T. and Yee, E. (2014). “Empirical attenuation relationship for nuclear power plant site,” Proceedings of Jeju Conference on IT and Power Engineering, Jeju-Do, South Korea, August 29-30, 80-83.
• Kim, H.J. and Yee, E. (2014). “A study on recalculating generation cost considering external costs,” Proceedings of Industrial Electricity Commission Conference, Kyeonggi-Do, South Korea, October 31, 117-119.
• Kim, C.H. and Yee, E. (2014). “Consideration of typical nuclear power plant site characteristics for groundwater flow,” Proceedings of Korea Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, PyeongChang, South Korea, October 29-31, pp. 6.
• Lee, J.H. and Yee, E. (2014). “Tunnel boring machine cutter maintenance for constructing underground cable lines from nuclear power plants,” Proceedings of Korea Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, PyeongChang, South Korea, October 29-31, pp. 7.
• Shin, M.K. and Yee, E. (2014). “A method to help prevent errors in steel tube jacking,” Proceedings of 2nd Eastern European Tunnelling Conference, ITA, Athens, Greece, September 28-October 1, pp. 23.
• Yee, E., Duku, P.M., Stewart, J.P. (2013). “Fines content on the cyclic shear strain behavior of sands,” Proceedings of KSCE 2013 Convention, KSCE, Kangwon, South Korea, October 23-25.
• Yee, E., Lee, J.H., Lim, D.S. and Chun, B.S. (2012). “Magnetic water treatment to inhibit calcium carbonate scale deposition in the drainage system of an old tunnel in seoul, south korea,” Advanced Materials Research 594-597, Proceedings of Global Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Yichang, China, October 20-21, 2045-2055.
• Yee, E., Lee, J.H., Kim, Y.S., Chung, S.R., Kim, H.Y., and Chun, B.S. (2012). “Strength and permeability of biostabilized soil,” Proceedings of International Symposium on Coastal Engineering Geology, New Frontiers in Engineering Geology and the Environment, Shanghai, China, September 20-21, Yu Huang, Faquan Wu, Zhenming Shi, and Bin Ye (eds.), 79-82.
• Yee, E., Stewart, J.P., and Duku, P.M. (2012). “Seismic compression behavior of sands with fines of low plasticity,” Geotechnical Special Publication 225, Proceedings of Geo-Congress 2012, Oakland, California, March 25-29, 839-848.
• Yee, E., Stewart, J.P., and Tokimatsu, K.J. (2011). “Nonlinear site response and seismic compression at vertical array strongly shaken by 2007 Niigata-ken chuetsu-oki earthquake,” PEER Report No.2011/107, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, Univeristy of California, Berkeley.
• Yee, E., Stewart, J.P., and Schoenberg, F.P. (2010). “Evaluation of volumetric threshold strain considering noisy feedback signals from simple shear device,” Proceedings of 9th US and 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Toronto, Canada, July 25-29, 3000-3007.
• Yee, E., Duku, P.M., and Stewart, J.P. (2010). “Effect of saturation on cyclic volumetric change of compacted silty sands,” Geotechnical Special Publication 202, Proceedings of GeoShanghai 2010, Shanghai, China, June 3-5, 48-53.
• Tufenkjian, M.R., Yee, E., and Thompson, D.J. (2010). “A comparison of cone and minicone penetration resistance for sand at shallow depth,” Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Huntington Beach, California, May 9-11, 8 pp.
• Yee, E., Duku, P.M., and Stewart, J.P. (2009). “Cyclic volume change of unsaturated soils with varying fines contents,” Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, March 3-4, 581-585.
• Tufenkjian, M.R. and Yee, E.K. (2006). “Soil Friction Angle and Relative Density of Sand from Minicone Penetration Tests at Shallow Depths”, Report prepared for Ocean Engineering Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center, Port Hueneme, California, 87 pp.
• Yee, E., Tufenkjian, M.R., Soto, M., Janer, J., and Nevarez, V. (2005). “The Naval Seafloor Engineering Research Program at California State University, Los Angeles,” Proceedings of MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2005, Washington D.C., September 19-23, 378-381.