Small But Strong Outstanding University

Professor’s Profile

Hah Chang Joo

  • Nuclear Reactor Core Physics and Design
  • Professor Professor
  • Office : Room 415, 509 Main Bldg
  • Phone : +82-52-712-7335
  • Email :

Educational Background

Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering, Purdue Univ. (1994.5)
M.S., Nuclear Engineering, KAIST. (1987.2)
B.S., Nuclear Engineering, Seoul National Univ. (1985.2)

Professional Experience

Adjunct Professor, University of Battambang, Cambodia (2008.8-2012.9)
Consultant, National Research Foundation (NRF), University of Battambang (2009.9-2010.8)
Researcher, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (2008.01-2008.6)
Principal Researcher, KEPCO Nuclear Fuel Company (1994.5-2007.2) 
Researcher, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (1987.3-1990.7)


SMR Nuclear Core Design

Investigate Boron-Free SMR nuclear core design satisfying utility requirements. Bandi-50 SMR aims 4-year operation with minimum constant boron concentration, satisfying all nuclear design criteria. For this analysis, CASMO3/MASTER or CASMO4/SIMULATE3 are used.
 • Bum Hee Jo, Chang Joo Hah, “Investigation on long-term daily load follow operation capability of soluble boron-free SMR”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 149 (December 2020)
 • Lezani van der Merwe, Chang Joo Hah, “Reactivity balance for a soluble boron-free small modular reactor,”Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Volume 50 (June 2018)
 • Okaeng Patrick Rakereng, Chang Joo Hah, “Simplified load follow schemes to simulate long-term daily load follow operation,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 110 (December 2017)


Advanced PWR Nuclear Core Design

Investigate Advanced PWR nuclear design characteristics loading MOX fuel and reactivity balance to satisfy all nuclear design requirements. For this analysis, CASMO3/MASTER or CASMO4/SIMULATE3 are used.
 • Mahrus Salam, Chang Joo Hah, “Comparative study on nuclear characteristics of APR1400 between 100% MOX core and UO2 core,” Annals of Nuclear Energy,-Volume 119 (September 2018)
 • Chang Joo Hah, Wan Shakirah Wan Abdul Kahar, Do Ik Chang, Ki Bong Seong,"A systematic core design method for reduction of critical boron concentration in APR 1400 with gadolinia-bearing assembly",Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 72 (October 2014)
 • Sung Ju Cho, Chang Joo Hah, “Determination of Optimum Batch Size and Fuel Enrichment for OPR1000 NPP Based on Nuclear Fuel Cycle Cost Analysis”, Journal of Energy Engineering, Volume 23 (2014)
 • Chang Joo Hah, Sithisak Thammaluckana,”Control Rod Worth Uncertainty Analysis for the Application to Control Rod Induced Accident”, Journal of Energy Engineering, Volume 23(2014)


Load-Follow Operation Analysis

Investigate load-follow operation capability for SMR. For this purpose, control rod configuration is determined. Using predetermined control rod configuration, all nuclear design requirements are evaluated.
 • Bum Hee Jo, Chang Joo Hah, “Investigation on long-term daily load follow operation capability of soluble boron-free SMR”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 149 (December 2020)
 • Okaeng Patrick Rakereng, Chang Joo Hah, “Simplified load follow schemes to simulate long-term daily load follow operation,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 110 (December 2017)


Radiation Source Terms Analysis to characterize the level of radioactive waste

For nuclear power plant decommissioning, each component of nuclear reactor should be evaluated for radioactive waste management. Using SCALE code, nuclear reactor is modeled to evaluate neutron flux distribution and this distribution is inputted to evaluate radiation source terms in each component.
 • Samson Ayodeji Olubiyi, Seong-Cheol Lee, Chang-Joo Hah, “Effect of mineral admixtures in concrete on biological shield wall radiation”, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 107 (August 2018)
 • Kyoungho Noh, Chang Joo Hah, “Verification of MCNP/ORIGEN-2 Model and Preliminary Radiation Source Term Evaluation of Wolsung Unit 1”, JNFCWT, Volume 13 (March 2015)

Lab Members

Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management

  • 2022

- Slawomir Piotr Minczer, In-Ji Han


  • 2021

- Rafael Castro Monteiro, Yessenkeldi Kok, Hwan Soo Kim


  • 2020

- Alexsandru Catalin Stafie,  Jinman Kim, Bumhee Jo


  • 2019

- Siarhei Dzianisau, Siti Fatihah Khotil, Florencia de los Angeles Renteria del Toro, Hyo-young Ahn


  • 2018

- Mahrus Salam, P.B.Q.Hieu, Lezani van der Merwe, Mkhize Bongisipho Muzothule, Nazly Kurniawan, Samson Ayodeji Olubiyi


  • 2017

- Okaeng Patrick Rakereng, Abdulelah Al-Ssuraihi, Boravy Muth, Dang Chi Dung


  • 2016

- JinHa Park, JungKil Kang, Sung Hyn Shin


  • 2015

- Mohamad Hairie Rabir, Joe Mwangi Mburu,  Bouabidi Ammar, Sung Ju Cho


  • 2014

- Wan Shakirah Wan Abdul Kahar, Sithisak Thammaluckana

Introduction To the Courses


Introduction to Nuclear Engineering

This course is introductory course to basic knowledge of nuclear reactor power generation as well as radiation. It covers three parts : (1) nuclear concepts, (2) Basic nuclear reactor analysis, (3) nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics
(1) Nuclear concept : this topic deals with particles, atoms, nuclear reaction, mass-energy equivalence, fission mechanism. It also covers  enrichment, nuclide density calculation and nuclear reaction rate calculation, radioactivity, radiation mechanism.
(2) Basic nuclear reactor analysis : this topic deals with basic neutron behavior in nuclear reactor. It also explains/solves neutron balance equation, neutron diffusion equation. It covers nuclear reactor reactivity and power generation/control mechanism.
(3) Nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics : this topic deals with heat generation/transfer in a reactor, boiling curve and critical heat flux, safety consideration under normal and accident conditions.


Reactor Physics and Core Management

This course introduces nuclear reactor theory describing neutron behavior in nuclear reactor.
It covers diffusion theory, multi-group method, nuclear core design method, neutron scattering, slowing down process, resonance absorption, nuclear reactor kinetics and monte carlo method.


Nuclear Design Codes and Methodologies

This course introduces computer codes that have been used to analyze neutron behavior in nuclear reactor as well as nuclear fuel assembly. The computer codes to be introduced are CASMO3/MASTER3 and CASMO4/SIMULATE3 for nuclear design, MCNP/SCALE/ORIGEN-2 for neutron spectrum calculation and radiation source term calculation. This course covers basic methodologies used in codes such as homogenization, dehomogenization, energy group condensation, nodal method, some of transport methods (such as method of characteristics). This course also covers input preparation of codes, execution of codes and sample run. This course is prerequisite of project courses for 2nd year student, “Nuclear Reactor Simulation” and “Load-Follow Simulation” in year 2.



Nuclear Reactor Simulation

In this project course, students design fuel assembly configuration, generate cross-section library, design core loading pattern, determine control rod configuration and perform depletion calculation using CASMO3/MASTER3 or CASMO4/SIMULATE3. The interesting nuclear reactor can be SMR, APR1400, iPOWER or any PWR nuclear core loading Mixed Oxide Fuel (MOX) and/or Uranium Dioxide (UO2). The student will understand the nuclear design process of a reactor, as well as the several nuclear characteristics that  should be calculated to know if the performance of the reactor satisfy the design criterias and the safety parameters.


Load-Follow SimulationThird Trimester

This project course apply load-follow operation to the loading pattern determined previous project course. Students will analyze reactivity balance of the core, simulate load-follow strategy, evaluate the capability of load-follow operation mode and shutdown margin, performs Xenon axial and radial stability analysis using CASMO3/MASTER3 and/or CASMO4/SIMULATE4

Publications, Projects and Awards

Journal Paper


 • Bum Hee Jo, Chang Joo Hah, “Investigation on long-term daily load follow operation capability of soluble boron-free SMR”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 149 (December 2020)



 • Mahrus Salam, Chang Joo Hah, “Comparative study on nuclear characteristics of APR1400 between 100% MOX core and UO2 core,” Annals of Nuclear Energy,-Volume 119 (September 2018)
 • Samson Ayodeji Olubiyi, Seong-Cheol Lee, Chang-Joo Hah, “Effect of mineral admixtures in concrete on biological shield wall radiation”,  Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 107 (August 2018)
 • Lezani van der Merwe, Chang Joo Hah, “Reactivity balance for a soluble boron-free small modular reactor,”Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Volume 50 (June 2018)



 • Okaeng Patrick Rakereng, Chang Joo Hah, “Simplified load follow schemes to simulate long-term daily load follow operation,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 110 (December 2017)



 • Kyoungho Noh, Chang Joo Hah, “Verification of MCNP/ORIGEN-2 Model and Preliminary Radiation Source Term Evaluation of Wolsung Unit 1”, JNFCWT, Volume 13 (March 2015)



 • Chang Joo Hah, Wan Shakirah Wan Abdul Kahar, Do Ik Chang, Ki Bong Seong,"A systematic core design method for reduction of critical boron concentration in APR 1400 with gadolinia-bearing assembly", Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 72 (October 2014)
 • Sung Ju Cho, Chang Joo Hah, “Determination of Optimum Batch Size and Fuel Enrichment for OPR1000 NPP Based on Nuclear Fuel Cycle Cost Analysis”, Journal of Energy Engineering, Volume 23 (2014)
 • Chang Joo Hah, Sithisak Thammaluckana,”Control Rod Worth Uncertainty Analysis for the Application to Control Rod Induced Accident”, Journal of Energy Engineering, Volume 23(2014)


Conference Paper

 • Yessenkeldi Kok, Chang Joo Hah, “Developing a Long-term Fuel Management Strategy for APR1400”, Transactions of the KNS Autumn Meeting, South Korea, 2020
 • Monteiro Rafael, Chang Joo Hah, “Analysis of APR1400 Restarting After Unplanned Shutdown: An Investigation on Xenon Oscillation and Boron Dilution Rate,” Transactions of the KNS Autumn Meeting, South Korea, 2020
 • Bum Hee Jo, Chang Joo Hah, “Investigation on Xenon Transient Effect for SMR Nuclear Design with K-mode Daily Load-following Operation”, ICAPP 2019-International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, France, 2019
 • Alexsandru Catalin Stafie, Jinman Kim, Bumhee Jo, Chang Joo Hah, “Approximation method of determining initial core design parameters with a given energy requirement”, Transaction of the KNS Spring Meeting, South Korea, 2019
 • Jinman Kim, Bumhee Jo, Alexandru Catalin Stafie, Chang Joo Hah, “Optimization of fuel batch size and enrichment by means of the simplex method”, Transaction of the KNS Autumn Meeting, South Korea, 2019
 • Florencia de los Angeles Renteria del Toro, Hyo-young Ahn, Chang Joo Hah, “Study on Initial Core Loading Pattern for 50% MOX and 50% UO2 in iPOWER reactor”, Transaction of the KNS Autumn Meeting, South Korea, 2018
 • Siarhei Dzianisau, Chang Joo Hah, “Investigation on potential use of uranium fraction extracted from spent thorium fuel for achieving closed nuclear fuel cycle”, The 6th International Conference on Nuclear and Renewable Energy Resources, South Korea, 2018
 • Siarhei Dzianisau, Chang Joo Hah, “Nuclear Design Characteristics of Thorium-Plutonium Fueled Soluble Boron-Free Small Modular Reactor”, Transaction of the KNS Autumn Meeting, South Korea, 2018
 • Siti Fatihah Khotil, Hyo-young Ahn, Siarhei Dzianisau, Florencia de los Angeles Renteria del Toro, C.J.Hah, “Xenon Transient in Small Modular Reactor with Daily Load Follow Operation”, 2018 Korea Energy Congress Fall Conference, South Korea, 2018
 • P.B.Q.Hieu, Chang Joo Hah,”Comparison of Cross Section Data Library for High Temperature using MCNPX”, Transaction of the KNS Autumn Meeting, South Korea, 2017
 • P.B.Q.Hieu, Chang Joo Hah,”Processing Cross-section Data Library for MCNPX at High Temperature”, Transaction of the Korea Energy Society Autumn Meeting, South Korea, 2017
 • Lezani van der Merwe, Chang Joo Hah,”Control Rod Worth Requirement Based on Reactivity Balance for a Soluble Boron Free Small Modular Reactor”, Transaction of the KNS Autumn Meeting, South Korea, 2017
 • Mkhize Bongisipho Muzothule, Chang Joo Hah,”Radiation Source Term Analysis for APR1400 Reactor Pressure Vessel”, Transaction of the Korea Energy Society Autumn Meeting, South Korea, 2017
 • Nazly Kurniawan, Chang Joo Hah, “Optimization of Gadolinia Rod Number Based on the Generated Core Cycle Length in APR1400”, Transaction of the Korea Energy Society Autumn Meeting, South Korea, 2017
 • Mahrus Salam, Chang Joo Hah, “Comparative Study on Nuclear Characteristics of APR1400 nuclear core loading MOX fuel and UO2 fuel”,  Transaction of the KNS Autumn Meeting, South Korea, 2017
 • Abdulelah Al-Ssuraihi, Chang Joo Hah, “Dimensional analysis for BanDi-50 SMR core design based on fuel cycle cost”, Transaction of the Korea Energy Society Autumn Meeting, South Korea, 2016
 • Boravy Muth, Chang Joo Hah, “Application of B4C/Al2O3 Burnable Absorber Rod to Control Excess Reactivity of SMR”, Transaction of the KNS Autumn Meeting, South Korea, 2016
 • Dang Chi Dung, Chang Joo Hah,”Simulation of Boron-Free SMR using MCNPX”, Transaction of the Korea Energy Society Autumn Meeting, South Korea, 2016
 • Okaeng Patrick Rakereng, Chang Joo Hah, “Simplified Load Follow Schemes to Simulate Long Term Daily Load Follow Operation”, Transaction of the KNS Autumn Meeting, South Korea, 2016
 • Jung Kil Kang, Chang Joo Hah, Sung Ju Cho, Ki Bong Seong, “The effect of stainless steel radial reflector on core reactivity for small modular reactor”, Transaction of iNuSTEC2015, Malaysia, 2015
 • JinHa Park, JungKil Kang, Chang Joo Hah, “Reactivity Flattening for a Soluble Boron-Free Small Modular Reactor”, Transaction of the KNS Autumn Meeting, South Korea, 2015
 • Sung Hyn Shin, Chang Joo Hah, “Neutron and Gamma-ray Deep Penetration Calculation through Concrete Shield for Wolsong Unit 1 of CANDU Reactor”, Proceedings of ICAPP2015, France, 2015
 • Mohamad Hairie Rabir, Chang Joo Hah, “Feasibility Study on Nuclear Core Design for Soluble Boron Free Small Modular Reactor”, Transaction of NuSTEC2014, Malaysia, 2014
 • Joe Mwangi Mburu, Chang Joo Hah,”Massive Parallelism of Monte-Carlo Simulation on Low-End Hardware using Graphic Processing Units”, Transaction of the KNS Autumn Meeting, South Korea, 2014
 • Kyungho Noh, Chang Joo Hah, “Preliminary Source Term Calculation for Wolsung Unit 1 using MCNP/ORIGEN-2”, Proceedings of KRWS Spring Meeting, 2014
 • Wan Shakirah Wan Abdul Kahar, Chang Joo Hah, “Gadolinia-bearing Assembly Design for Reduction of Critical Boron Concentration in APR1400”, Transaction of the KNS Autumn Meeting, South Korea, 2013
 • Sithisak Thammaluckana, Chang Joo Hah,”Statistical error analysis of reactivity measurement”, Transaction of the KNS Autumn Meeting, South Korea, 2013


 • Verification of Boron-Free SMR Nuclear Core Design and Control Rod Design, KEPCO-ENC(2018.02 ~ 2018.05)
 • Acceptability Evaluation of MOX Fuel in iPOWER Core, KNF (2017.09 ~ 2018.02)
 • Development of Spent Fuel Cask Model for Criticality Analysis using KENO-VI, CRI (2017.03 ~ 2017.06)
 • Burnup Credit Evaluation for Spent Fuel Cask using KENO-VI, CRI (2017.12 ~ 2018.02)
 • Boron-Free SMR Control Rod Ejection Accident Analysis for Load-Follow Operation, KEPCO-ENC (2016.01 ~ 2016.04)
 • Development of SMR Fuel Assembly and Verification of Core Design Code, KNF (2014.9-2017.5)
 • Assessment of the Radiological Inventory for Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants, KETEP (2013.06-2016.05)
 • Optimization of Gd-bearing Assembly Pattern for Low CBC Core, KNF (2013.7-2013.12)


  • 2019 test2
  • 2019 test2
  • 2019 test2
  • 2019 test2
Visit of Senior Joe from Kenya, graduate student 2014 (2018)
  • 2019 test2
Project Challenge EXPO 2017
  • 2019 test2
Salam's award (2018)
  • 2019 test2
Current LAB Members (2018)
  • 2019 test2
Graduation Ceremony 2018
  • 2019 test2