Small But Strong Outstanding University

Professor’s Profile

Yoon Joo-il

  • Major : Reactor Physics and Computational Methods
  • Professor Assistant Professor, Head of Nuclear Power Plant Engineering Department
  • Office : Room 411 Main Bldg.
  • Phone : +82-52-712-7367
  • Email :

Educational Background

• Ph.D., Nuclear Eng., Seoul National Univ. (2021.8)
• M.S., Nuclear Eng., Seoul National Univ. (2009.2) 
• B.S., Nuclear Eng., Seoul National Univ. (2007.2)

Professional Experience

• KEPCO NF, Korea, 2008~2023


Practical Pin-by-Pin Two-Step Method Development

The Practical Pin-by-Pin Two-Step Method is an innovative approach designed to streamline reactor core analysis. This Method combines The strengths of detailed transport calculations and simplified diffusion theory to provide accurate results with reduced computational effort. The first Step involves using high-fidelity transport calculations to generate group constants, which are then employed in The second Step within a simplified diffusion framework to analyze The reactor core on a Pin-by-Pin basis.
This Pin-by-Pin approach ensures that The detailed physics captured in The transport calculations are effectively utilized in The more computationally efficient diffusion calculations. The Practical Pin-by-Pin Two-Step Method is especially valuable in routine reactor operation analyses, fuel management, and safety assessments, where both accuracy and efficiency are paramount.

Nodal/CMFD Method based on Diffusion Theory

Nodal Method

The Nodal Method is a highly efficient and accurate approach for solving neutron transport problems. This method divides the reactor into nodes, treating each node independently and connecting them through boundary conditions to predict the overall neutron distribution within the reactor. Particularly, the Nodal Method excels in reducing computational costs by transforming high-dimensional problems into lower-dimensional ones, making it a powerful tool for reactor analysis and design.

CMFD Method

The Coarse Mesh Finite Difference (CMFD) method enhances the Nodal Method by further reducing computational requirements while maintaining accuracy. CMFD simplifies the neutron diffusion equation over larger mesh sizes, allowing for faster computations without significant loss of detail. This approach is particularly useful in large-scale reactor simulations where computational efficiency is crucial.

Montecarlo Method based on Transport Theory

The Monte Carlo Method, grounded in Transport Theory, is a statistical technique used to model neutron behavior with high precision. This method simulates individual neutron paths, accounting for various interactions such as scattering and absorption. By tracking a large number of neutrons, the Monte Carlo Method provides detailed insights into neutron transport phenomena, offering a robust solution for complex reactor geometries and heterogeneous materials.
The strength of the Monte Carlo Method lies in its ability to handle intricate geometries and boundary conditions, making it an indispensable tool for reactor physics, radiation shielding, and dosimetry. Despite its computational intensity, advancements in computing power and algorithms continue to enhance its practicality and accuracy.

Nuclear Design

Innovative SMR Design

Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) represent a cutting-edge approach to nuclear power generation, offering flexibility, scalability, and enhanced safety features. Our research includes the development of innovative reactor core designs, advanced materials, and state-of-the-art control systems to enhance the performance and reliability of SMRs.

Practical Commercial Nuclear Design

Our research in Practical Commercial Nuclear Design focuses on the optimization and enhancement of existing commercial nuclear power plants. This includes improving reactor efficiency, extending plant life, and ensuring the highest standards of safety and reliability.

Lab Members

Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management

Introduction To the Courses

Publications, Projects and Awards

Journal Papers

1. H. Y. Yu, H. S. Hong, J. Yoon, "Analysis of the APR1400 Benchmark Using High-Fidelity Pin-wise Core Calculation Codes", Energies, 2024 (under review)
2. J. S. Kim, T. S. Jung, J. Yoon, "Reactor Core Design with Enriched Gadolinia Burnable Absorbers for Soluble Boron-Free Operation in the  Innovative SMR", Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2024 (under review)
3. J. S. Kim, T. S. Jung, J. Yoon, "Reactor core design with practical gadolinia burnable absorbers for soluble boron-free operation in the innovative SMR", 2024, doi : 10.1016/
4. H. S. Hong, J. Yoon,"Solution of OECD/NEA PWR MOX/UO2 benchmark with a high-performance pin-by-pin core calculation code", Nucl. Eng. Technology, 2024, doi : 10.1016/
5. J. Yoon, H. C. Lee, H. G. Joo, H. S. Kim, “High performance 3D pin-by-pin neutron diffusion calculation based on 2D/1D decoupling method for accurate pin power estimation,” Nucl. Eng. Technology, 53, pp.3543-3562 (2021).
6. H. H. Cho, J. K, J. Yoon, H. G. Joo, “Analysis of C5G7-TD benchmark with a multi-group pin homogenized SP3 code SPHINCS,” Nucl. Eng. Technology, 53, pp.1403-1415 (2021).    
7. H. G. Joo, J. Yoon, S. G. Baek, “Multigroup pin power reconstruction with two-dimensional source expansion and corner flux discontinuity,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 36, pp.85-97 (2009).
8. J. Yoon, H. G. Joo, “Two-Level Coarse Mesh Finite Difference Formulation with Multigroup Source Expansion Nodal Kernels,” J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 45, pp.668-682 (2008).

Conference Papers

1. ‘C5G7 MOX Benchmark Calculation with the High-Performance Pin-by-Pin Two-Step Calculation Procedure,’ 2019 ANS winter meeting, Washington, DC, USA, Nov.17~Nov.21.
2. ‘Development of the High-performance pin-by-pin calculation code with planar parallelization,’ 2018 ANS winter meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, Nov.11~Nov.15.
3. ‘Improvement of 3D Power Connection Method in the Online Core Monitoring System OASIS,’ 2017 ANS winter meeting, Washington, DC, USA, Oct.29~Nov.2.
4. ‘3D Power Shape Matching Method for Power Adaptation in the Online Core Monitoring System,’ 2015 ANS winter meeting, Washington, DC, USA, Nov.8~Nov.12.
5. ‘Verification and Validation of KARMA/ASTRA with Benchmark and Core-Follow Analyses,’ 2011 ANS winter meeting, Washington D.C., USA, Oct.30~Nov.3.
6. ‘Investigation of Multigroup Effect in Transient Calculation to Determine Hottest Pin Enthalpy,’ 2009 M&C, Saratoga Springs, NY, USA, May3~May7. ‘Implementation of Multigroup Calculation for Commercial Reactor Core,’ 2009 KNS autumn meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, Oct.29~Oct.30.

Technical Papers

1. ‘Measurement Uncertainty Evaluation for AsCORE Code,’ KEPCO NF, KNF-TR-CDT-12035/NK/A, 2016.
2. ‘KARMA/ASTRA System Verification and Uncertainty Evaluation for PWR Core Design,’ KEPCO NF, KNF-TR-CDT-10005/NK/A, 2013.
3. ‘Implementation of Modern Nodal and Pin Power Reconstruction Method Based on Multigroup Structure for PARCS 3.1,’ USNRC, NUREG/IA-025, 2010.

