Research ☞
Professor Hak Kyu Lim is the professor in the probabilistic risk assessment and management laboratory. He has over 30 years of PRA experience in NPP construction and operation projects. He participated PRAs for all nuclear power plants in Korea as well as BNPP in UAE and APR1400 design certificated by US NRC. He has strong background in the design and operation of nuclear power plants. He has recently involved in the multi-units PRA project granted by Korean regulatory authority. Based on his specialties and experiences, he conducts various researches with his 2nd year students for their thesis; mobile equipment modeling in PRA, human reliability analysis, risk-informed regulation and applications, SBO coping capacity, effects of house load operations, circuit analysis in fire PRA, etc. He is eager to transfer his experience and knowledge to the younger generation for safe and efficient nuclear power plants.
Professional Experience
Associate professor, KINGS (2016.6~present)
Senior Researcher and Manager of PRA team, KEPCO-E&C (1994.11-2016.5)
Researcher, HVAC lab. KAIST (1988.3~1989.6)
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, UCLA (1994.5)
MS, Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University (1987.2)
BS. Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University (1985.2)