Research ☞
Professor Aya Diab is the director of the Thermal Hydraulics and Nuclear Safety Laboratory. She has more than 10 years of experience in teaching and research in the area of multiphase flow and deterministic safety analysis, including simulation of severe accidents with forced and free molten fuel-coolant interactions using the steam explosion code, TEXAS-V as well as system codes such as MARS, RELAP, MAAP, MELCOR and the multi-physics package RELAP/SCDAP/3D Kin. Her more recent work involves containment analysis with a special focus on hydrogen risk using the multiphase computational fluid dynamics, CUPID, code. Currently, she is exploring the potential of using artificial intelligence in the area of thermal hydraulics and nuclear safety. She designs and operates 1st year courses to provide the students with the essential background knowledge and necessary computer skills to conduct their 2nd year project and research work for their thesis. Prof. Diab also provides internship opportunities with industry for excellent students to enhance their learning experience by engaging with renowned experts in an industrial setting.
Professional Experience
• Assistant Professor, Mechanical Power Engineering, Ain Shams Univ. Egypt (2009-2016)
• Research Assistant/ Research Associate, Engineering Physics, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, USA (2004-2008)
• Research Assistant, Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, USA (2002-2004)
• Teaching Assistant, Mechanical Power Engineering., Ain Shams Univ. Egypt (1999-2002)
• Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison (2007.12)
• M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison (2004.05)
• B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Ain Shams University (1999.05)